Privacy & Data Protection

  • Complying with global privacy & data protection laws is becoming more difficult every day: do you need help defining how to be compliant in your industry and for your market? We can help.

    The Challenge

    CCPA, CPRA, CIPA, HIPAA, COPPA, CALOPPA, GDPR… privacy laws and their compliance requirements are numerous and come from a wide variety of sources, both state and federal, and even sometimes from abroad (e.g. if you target the European market, you may have to comply with GDPR too!)

    The laws and regulations in this field are constantly evolving. It’s essential to keep track, reflect the best practices, and anticipate potential issues proactively—something we can help you achieving. We have the expertise with all sizes of businesses operating at a global scale and in a variety of industries, each with its own requirements.

    We are well versed with both practical and technical aspects of privacy / data protection, and we are up to date with the latest developments in California (including relevant federal laws) and E.U. laws applicable to Californian businesses targeting the E.U. market—trust an expert!


    What We Can Offer

    • Drafting and review of Privacy Policy, privacy and/or data protection clause in contracts, notices, procedures
    • Assistance with legal obligations in case of a data breach and advice on the best course of action (including data security laws and notification requirements to data subjects and regulators)
    • Outsourced compliance functions (Privacy Counsel, Chief Privacy Officer / CPO, Data Protection Officer / DPO)
    • Cybersecurity: best practices (training and advice)