Words From the Founder


    Founder's picture

  • Soon after the dot-com bubble burst, when I was 18, the dream of technology startups built up from garages of fearless entrepreneurs in the Silicon Valley prompted me to launch my own business.

    It was roughly 20 years ago and since that first experience, I learned many valuable lessons as a business owner. Two of them are to never give up on a dream and learn to adapt to ever-changing circumstances. They are my keys to resilience and have shown their value during the 2020 pandemic and the resulting economic chaos, more than anytime else.

    But I also learned over the years that, as a business owner, you need pragmatic answers to concrete questions—you don’t need legalese, law treaties, or half-mile-long emails that will cost you a fortune for no return. You need fast and business-aware answers to your questions, when you have them. You need a counsel you know you can trust for good legal advice.

    Our role as legal counsel for startups and entrepreneurs is to bring you all of this, together with the flexibility of a reliable expert. As most startups and entrepreneurs can’t afford in-house counsels when they would need it the most, we aim to cover the gap and ensure you have the peace of mind you deserve to focus on what really matters to you: your business.

    — Yoann E. A. Le Bihan, Founder